Thursday, 28 August 2014

Twitter shocked marketers with its Free Analytics launch

The Analytics  dashboard currently only available those who mostly tweet in either English, Japanese or Spanish -- those who tweet in other languages will be seeing the activity dashboard "soon". It seems protected and restricted accounts won't have activity dashboards. Profiles which are no longer than two weeks can not  access this feature.

Analytics twitter happy marketers
Shocking cum happy moment for twitter Fans

Users can click on a tweet to see data on it specifically, including things like retweets and how many times it has been clicked. For those who are particularly keen on keeping a tab on their social networks, the metrics can also be downloaded for offline use.

Twitter advertising and Analytics are tied up together but there is no such restriction for general users who are not paying. All features available for free users as well.

Features :-

1.Exporting, Manipulating & Learning from the Data
2. Be watchfull to tweet activity
3.Explore the interests, locations, and demographics of your followers
4.Track how your Twitter Cards drive clicks, app installs, and Retweets
5.Measure engagement and learn how to make your Tweets more successful

Here is the overview of followers dashboard

As you can see at its actually got some really decent information.


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