Mistake No. 1: Failing to conduct proper keyword research.
Keyword research is backbone of SEO campaign. Websites show up in search engine results only when proper keyword help to grow them .
If you’re posting web content without considering keyword research , you might be limiting your opportunities to generate search results traffic. To research keywords for your industry, use tools such as Google’s free Adwords Keyword Research service to look for search queries that generate an good volume of website results without being so competitive that your site won’t rank high in the search results. For additional research there are two more keyword research tools are soovle and ubersuggest
Mistake No. 2. Don’t ignore Google+ and authorship
It’s not noticed among internet marketers that Google+ directly influence in ranking but we can Use it to grab advantage by building up the credibility of a personal Google+ profile and tying it to your content with Google authorship.
Some of the benefits of Google+ authorship include:
In Google SERP authorship help to increase CTR and credibility .Followers, fans and potential visitors discover sites where you actively publish content.
Discovering other authors in your industry for potential networking and business opportunities.
Developing a broader fan base with the help of using Hashtags on Google+. For example, someone interested in SEO could click on the #seo Hashtag in Google+, and they’d be shown other content tagged #seo.
Mistake No. 3. Don’t forget to revisit your SEO efforts
SEO is totally different stream it requires analysis of data , capturing data for analysis and repetitive testing and tracking . That means every so often, you’ll want to revisit your strategy and see how you can improve in order to better achieve your SEO goals.
Mistake No. 4. Don’t rely on one traffic source Depending on only one traffic source and thinking it’ll help your SEO is about as advisable as walking under a ladder and hoping for good luck. It’s not impossible, but it’s a pretty bad bet.
Never put your all eggs in single nest.
Mistake No. 5 . Don’t use rankings as the sole indicator of SEO success
Exclusively relying on rankings to gauge your SEO campaign’s success can be very misleading. Not only are search results becoming more personalized, but Google also uses over 200 unique signals in their algorithm to rank sites and make regular updates. Altogether, these factors make focusing solely on your site’s ranking both scarily subjective and frighteningly fickle.
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