Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) pages are specific web pages that Google wants quality rating professionals to hold on higher standard than other types of web pages. They are called YMYL pages because they can directly influence your money or your life, hence the name. From the guide:If you have a website that is strictly information and didn’t really have a need for these types of pages, now would be a good time to go back and add those pages.
What are “Your Money or Your Life” pages?
So, what are YMYL pages? They are pages that could have an impact on the well being of visitors in a number of ways. They involve one or more of the following:
• Taking personal information, such as bank details and driving license numbers
• Financial transactions
• Offering medical advice
• Giving advice on major life issues or decisions
What specific factors considered in rating for YMYL websites
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Some easy ways to address this are through the Publisher and Author tags that Google has offered up to users.
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